2006年12月27日 星期三

NY Time Week 5

Tittle:Gifts that Say Happy Holidays and It's nice doing business with you
Author:Karen J.Bannan

As the year comes to a close,business owners across the country are faced with a similar choice:To give or not to give,and if so,to whom?

Pick a suitable presents for someone is sometimes very difficult,especaill when they are your clients,vendors and supplers.Because you may not familer with them very closely,and it takes times and money to decide presents.But owners msut do this,because the return of this investment can easily supress your effort.Every likes to receive presents,the presents value are not alwalys decided by it's cost.In my opinion,some homemade gifts are more impressible.

I held a 2006 X'mas change gift compaign in my company,the idea is from iyoushe.

Everyone had a good time in preparing and receiving gift.It reminded me the gift about 'water' in fu-lung on 2005 summer.I prepare cactus because it's simbol of lacking waters.Hehe,when is our next change gift time  

2006年12月20日 星期三

NY Times Week 4

Title A third-World Laptop Provokes a Big Debate

Author John Markoff

This Idear is pretty Cool,buy a notebook only cost 100 dollars.Can i buy 5  to use(In home,work,toilet,living room and kitchen)?

When computer industry executives heard about a plan to build a $100 laptop for the developing world's childrem,they generally ridiculed the Idea.But it comes trues in the coming season.

I received a email from sulin on 11/28,it introduced $100 notebook.I just didn't put in my mind.He works in Quanta Computer(the world's second largest laptop maker) as the article mention these computer will be produced there.I don't know if he has tested this cool machine or not.If it is possilbe, i want to buy one from him.

The chief goal of this nonprofit project is for education in poor country.As they can not affroad normal notebook as we can,their resource is so limited.As the article says,Argentina,Brazi,Libya,Nigeria and Thailand have made tentative commitments to put the computers into the hands of millions of students,with producation in Taiwian expected to begin by mid-2007.

The laptop does not come with a Microsoft Windows operation system or even a hard drive,it use Linux.Cool,i just hate Microsoft making too much money.

The third world or the developing country really has difficulity to develop information technology,I had browsed one cool website,it mentioned some University students spend time and money to provide IT environment in Mae Tao.I think their thoughs is the same.



The file sulin sent to me

file download

2006年12月15日 星期五




摘錄自"十四堂人生創意課" 李欣穎

New York times week3

Title: Goole Maps a path into Traditional Ads
By:Louise story

Major internet sites are showing a strong and growing interest in the advertising business,and traditonal adfirms are starting to get worried.

Informaiton now can be easily found toward internet,it cause a lot of stress for many traditional company.As the article mentioned,newspapers,magazines,tv and radio network.

What i felt most connected is finding a job.

In my memory,most from the movie,when you need to find a job,you need to buy a newspaper to see the job ads.And you have to call them for interview opportunity.But now what we do,we will surf www.104.com.tw to get job information.We can search more easily and it cost free.So many company has job opportunity,they will connect with human resource website(I don't know did they have to pay money or not).

By the way,as we had graduated from school for several years,i found that friend network is a useful way to find a suitable job.As most of us stay in IT technology,our job is sometime very connected.As i know,BBOO and i are Oracle Erp programmer.Enrico and keggy are SAP ERP.Limit and in DSC ERP.We can discuss our job in different opinion.

Maybe one day i will change from Oracel to Sap as our domain knowledge is somehow similiar.So if someone want to channge job,just propose it and i think it will be useful toward our relationship.

Nice phrase in article.
1.To advertising executives,Google is both the friend and the enemy.
2.Google executives have made no secret of their ambition in traditionalad sales.

New York Times Week 1

About Two month before,buying Monday Uninted Daily newspaper become my habit.

Because it contains New York Times for one week.I think it contains more international news and better information.(I don't like our Taiwan's newspaper,too much political)

But i failed to read most of them,i feel discuss with my friends is a good idea to push me improving my english.

So my dear friends,welcome to discuss english toward my blog.^^

New York times weekly

Week One Topic: The future of the web.

About the article,The future of the web,i just browse it two days before.

I am just curious,web2.0 is still developing,web3.0 is coming out so quickly.The most used web2.0 tool for me is blog,i started it about two years ago(wretch).And i really think it is a good tool.I can share my article and photo so easily,and someone want to leave message is also convenient.Interacing with new friend is also a cool function,and i can have a chance to know cool friend of the friends.Now i am studying the tool RSS,if some of my friend write a article in blog,i wish i could know as soon as poosible.

Did some ever usd the web wikipedia?I really think it is a very useable website.http://www.wikipedia.org/
You can search something that you really want to know.
Usually you will get the answer,moreover,you can publish your thinkink on it,if you really want to share.

Till here,any grammar or words error,just let me know.Thx.

Week Two Topic: The future of the web.

Title: Tips for Building a Web Site That Can Help a Busineww
By:Eric A.Taub

Your Website is like a digital business card,designer say,the first on line look at your company that a customer gets.With luck,it will not be the last.

This topic is talking about business website,how can you help a business by designing your website in some rule.

Take one thing for example.
I often travel,find some place to sleep is important to me.Last week i had a bike tour with rock.I need to book resturant.Tinging provide me with some guesthouses' website for me to choose.And i found something can be connected to this article.What is the most concerned information,to me,is the price.

Some website just hard to find this informaiton,i need to dig multiple pages,and sometimes i still can not find out where it is.It is because that i am poor and don't have enough data.So i spend time finding out what i am concerning about.If i wasn't,i will leave the website right away.

Nabi is helping me to redesign a business website for my uncle.What my uncle concern aboout is simple and clear.He want to put products' pictures in the first page,then user can click it directly to get further information.Different website has different concern,just depend on user's thinking.

My uncle old website.
Nabi redesign

Nabi's design is good,thx for your help ^^

I have my own website(blog) now,maybe someday i google 'allen','smallfat',and if i found my website is listed on the first page,maybe i was susceeful.

2006年12月11日 星期一



2006年12月2日 星期六


但一直遲遲沒有去做 應該是還不夠想要吧
自從上次在台東遇到phil跟RUS 跟她們在火車站聊天
發現她們只花了兩天從花蓮騎到台東 還跟我強力推薦
哇勒 沒想到讓外國人早我一步
這樣不行 終於讓我真正下了決心 開始要來規劃了

本來一開始找建成 他馬上就答應了 阿美仔也說要去
沒關係 我們的計劃會因此不受影響 即使只剩我ㄧ個人我也應該會去
I really want to do this thing.

將腳踏車裝進車袋 就可以開始單車旅行了

組車中 有類似日本人的觀光客好奇跟我們聊天
發現他們是韓國人之後 我就不太想理她們 反正他們英文也不好

組好車後 到車站附近的遊客中心要地圖
本來只是想要個地圖的 但發現遊客中心的服務小姐是正妹
突然想問的問題就變多了 但我沒有問她電話啦 哈哈
她很認真的跟我講路要怎麼走 我也似乎很認真的在聽
但沒想到一出了遊客中心 阿美問我怎麼走
我腦筋真的是一片空白 ㄟ 剛剛真的問的很詳細阿
好吧 反正迷路也不是一天兩天的事了 也不好意思再回去問了 -_-||

因為後天騎完還會回來花蓮 所以已經事先聯絡俊敏的朋友孟璉
要把車袋先放在光合作用 行李已經夠多了 不想全部背著騎
很熱心的提供我們一些訊息 我也想學她在花蓮工作啦

由於天氣不好 我們決定今天先不騎車了
(本來第一天就要騎到瑞穗了 還好沒有)
Michael推薦我們去住hostel 很棒的住宿地方 規劃的就跟外國沒兩樣
剛好遇到準備要去台北的新加坡女生 背大背包 人看起來蠻nice的
重點來了 也是個正妹 這樣看來 花蓮真是個好地方
兩個其他室友是美國人 還蠻幽默的 真羨慕她們 流浪好像是理所當然的事

hostel很多外國人出入 又可以自己泡茶 上網也要付錢
主人是跟我們年紀差不多的maggie...當然 也是個旅遊的愛好者
打點好行李 我們就先決定出去晃晃了
首先 到了上次到花蓮也有照訪的松園別館 很舒適的一個地方

接著 想走海岸線到七星潭 途中開始下起雨
為了躲雨 跑到花蓮酒廠裡面晃晃 沒想到廁所還蠻有特色的


騎回民宿之後 今天不知道為何特別的累
應該是還沒擺脫上班的感覺吧 不管 我是來度假的
晚餐吃maggie推薦的義大利麵 好食阿!!!!

2006年11月26日 星期日


前幾天好友小白申請了部落格 放了一些照片
突然看到幾張照片 在內心有很大的迴響


比較廣泛一點 包括很多事情
而且我們就像朋友一樣 可以討論很多事情(電影 旅行 生活)
即使常常加班 也會撥出時間幫我們看程式 討論程式流程
甚至我的最愛-請假翹班看電影 她簽核的可乾脆了 哈
是個工作能力跟耐力極強的高手 當然steven跟vincent也是同樣教導我很多
他們都讓我知道 怎樣才是一個正確的工作態度
我要學的還有很多 像她們看齊就對了!!!!


一路跟我互嗆互開玩笑的衍華 在我登品田山身體狀況十分不好的時候
察覺到我的不對勁 要我趕快喝薑湯 休息一下
這時候的問候 聽起來特別有感覺

說實在的 平常開玩笑歸開玩笑


那一陣子不知道怎麼搞的 心情一直不太好
工作很煩躁 剛換租的地方也不太喜歡

生日當天 也沒有什麼特別的驚喜
下班之後 找豬頭去吃鼎泰豐 算是不想太平凡的度過自己的生日
一個人回到家裡以後 很累 就開始躺著休息了

還發生一件很妙的事(讓她氣的快失去理智了) 哈哈
掛完電話之後 我繼續休息 外面下著磅礡大雨
一段時間之後 手機又響了 又是詩薇打來
說她跟豬頭在我家附近 說是我生日要送我生日禮物

沒想到她們是認真的 說找不到我家 要我出去接她們
我以為她們馬上就要到我家了 開始慌忙的整理自己的房間
哈 在男生的房間中我也算亂的吧 很隨興的亂丟東西
沒想到五分鐘之後電話又響了 原來她們一直找不到到我家的路
外面又下超級大雨 我只好趕緊穿上雨衣 出去找她們

我到堤頂大道附近的加油站找到她們 她們真的超狼狽的
因為雨實在下太大了 她們又只有一件雨衣
這種時候誰都能感受到她們的用心了 我應該要馬上掉下眼淚來 哈哈
我們就這樣在大雨中的 7-11 互開玩笑 喝一杯ICE~
You are my good friends,forever!!!!

2006年11月22日 星期三

For my good friend-Happy Birthday!

俊敏 生日快樂!!!!! 
(軟體真不人性化 應該要前24小時每小時都通知一下)
 抱歉啦 你知道我很忙滴!!!! 

希望你在接下來的一年裡,處理任何事都能得心應手攀岩技術越來越高強 操盤也能百戰百勝
我的未來 就靠你了(加速我環遊世界的速度吧!!!!!) 

人好 攀岩強 攝影技術棒 又會投資
還能帶朋友上山下海 開車過彎還會甩尾 ^^



2006年11月16日 星期四


目前看過最漂亮的夜景 覺得是在巴黎


坐電梯上鐵塔 十歐元吧




2006年11月14日 星期二


軍艦岩的也不錯 下次要拍拍看
突然想到 很久沒去基隆的中正公園看夜景了!!!


喝醉酒 對有些人來說是很平常的事情
我雖然不喜歡喝酒 但在某些場合裡
喝點小酒 有點微醺的感覺 是蠻舒服的一件事情

但喝到掛 喝到失去意識 喝到隔天醒來全身不對勁

上上禮拜二晚上 由於我的直屬主管要離職了

但自從部門主管開始拿出高粱 情況就不太妙了
喝38度的高粱 拿果汁的杯子來倒是怎樣
而且 有人還一口乾 我的媽媽咪呀 跆人歐

一開始我喝掉半杯就覺得有茫的感覺了 跟evans說我有點不行了
沒想到這時炮火轉來我這邊 說什麼慶祝鐵人 乾杯!!!!
還要一桌敬一杯 不喝又在那邊說不是男人什麼鬼的
沒想到 我就這樣中計了(哇勒 鐵人訓練又沒有喝酒 荼毒阿)
很勇敢的乾了一兩杯 沒想到這時候steven又說要單獨跟我喝
屋屋 都喝到這地步了 只好繼續跟他乾
乾完了四杯 整個人呈現很恍忽的狀態

這時gary又要找我主管喝酒 說她要離職怎麼不起來敬一下
反正都已經醉了 我就豁出去了
說要跟gary乾 這是我失去意識前最後有印象的回憶了
乾完之後我就整個人掛了 事後我同事說gary其實也沒喝 可惡阿!!!

接下來就迅速快轉 因為我都沒記憶
醒來時 已經是在自己的床上了
看看周圍 很困惑 我怎麼會在自己的床上
全身只剩一條內褲 -_-|||

頭有點痛 只好繼續睡覺
睡到早上七點多又自動爬起來 找不到自己的眼鏡
胸口很悶 頭很痛 而且有一塊腫起來的地方
看到門上的字條 寫說主管們已經幫我請好假了 要我好好在家休息
雖然我起的來 但是今天也別想寫程式了 一片混亂阿

接近中午時 同事昨天把包包遺留在我家 把它送回公司
沒想到 她們說我醉了以後就開始趴在桌上 先坐著吐
然後躺在地上 然後躺著吐 還邊笑邊吐
大家散場後想問我家在哪裡 我也隨便報一個地址給她們
還好fergus有去過我家一次 不然她們還真的想把我一個人丟汽車旅館
頭腫起來的原因是 搬我的時候 不小心敲到車子 超大聲
我就說ㄅㄟ 她們一定是故意的 趁我沒意識時有仇報仇

唉 這次真的很糗
全身不對勁了一個禮拜 胃口也變超差

喝酒 微醺就好!!!!

2006年10月20日 星期五


都到台東了 又比完鐵人 紅葉溫泉當然是不二選擇了

整個紅葉溫泉只有我們四個人 包場的享受


初鹿農場 牛大的嚇人



原住民會館 還不錯






對這個爬坡超有印象 兩年前我就是在這裡比鐵人抽筋

水往上流 它真的有往上流嗎

完美的Endind,累倒在85度c咖啡店 小憩


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